Future-Proof Corporate Travel with Digital Health Passports
Future Business Travel Requires Vaccine and Testing Data Management
Vaccine and testing mandates vary greatly among cities, counties, states, and countries. These mandates will fundamentally change business travel for the foreseeable future, and experts predict that digital health passports will be a standard procedure moving forward.
Organizations that haven't prepared themselves for this eventuality will be drowning in problems when they move back to regular business travel. Tracking, verifying, and reporting employee vaccine and testing info will simplify the process and put HR departments at ease.
VaxManager is your solution for efficient business travel.
VaxManagerCX is a universally compliant vaccine and testing management software. The HIPAA- and ADA-compliant software provides a method of tracking, verifying, and reporting vaccination status and testing results that will streamline your compliance activities and ease the burden on your HR department.
Get a demo of VaxManager today
VaxManagerCX is a software as a service built to the most up-to-date international standards for vaccine tracking, verification, and reporting for both vaccinations and required testing for COVID-19. The service streamlines the process of managing a hybrid environment and implementing vaccine mandates, all while keeping your employees' information confidential and secure.